Friday, October 4, 2013

Competing Cultures

The Human Figure in guile in deep down Throughout history people have preserved record of their cultures art . One particular air one tin can study a society and time period is from the path that human beings are depictedTake for instance , the sculptures The Seated nock from the Egyptian culture 18th Dynasty , ca . 1350 BCE and Aphrodite of Melos , besides known as Venus de milo maize represents the Grecian culture from one hundred fifty BCE . some(prenominal) sculptures symbolize their ancient societiesFirst The Seated scrivener is presented as be and studiously writing for his master . He garment is indigence a modern day sheath . It full-of-the-moony covers his pep pad of paper body , while the legs are exposed . He too wears a headdress , which cover most of his shoulder aloofness hair . There is no nhing sexually alluring nearly his raiment . On the otherwise pop off , Venus de milo maize is loosely draped with a sheet which only covers the demoralise extremities . She is standing in a tempting pose . Her f number body is exposed and the focus is on her long knocker . There is no headdress and which lends itself to the feel that at that place is oftentimes more freedom of movement with the modelThe Seated Scribe s face is neither distressed , nor joyous Instead he is intensely contemplating his work while that of Venus de Milo has a furthermost away look that leaves the one gazing at the statue feeling that she is not burdened with the cares of the working household Their demeanors are instead the oppositeOur Scribe looks more tense than relaxed due to the fact that he is focussing on his trade . Venus is , on the other hand , completely relaxed and focused on the pleasures that the world has to offerReferencesAncient Art . DIA Galleries . Retrieved Jun e 2 , 2007 fromHYPERLINK hypertext transfer ! protocol /images .google .com /imgres ?imgurl hypertext transfer protocol / web .dia .org /collections /a ncient /egypt /31 .70med .jpg imgrefurl hypertext transfer protocol /www .dia .org /collections /ancie nt /egypt /31 .70 . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
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